
Hello, I'm Sabina Lee. I am a first generation artistic jewelry designer of Hong Kong. I opened my first designer jewelry shop Green G. in Harbour City in 1997 with my husband Paul who still runs the business side of the brand. Our Green G. brand was proudly the first Hong Kong brand to be invited to exhibit in both the Designer Pavilions of the most prestigious Baselworld and Inhorgenta Europe shows in 1983. Besides taking on individual design projects and work directly with my private customers, my jewelries now sell to quality jewelry shops around the world. I shall share my views on art and design with my readers in this blog, with valuable inputs from Paul who is a business professional by training (he got his MBA in 1983) but is also, like me, an artist at heart.

Below is the video of my interview in Designing Asia,  sharing my views on jewelry design and representing the designer jewelry industry in this international TV program.  Some of my designs will be showcased in the second part, added by Paul who also chose the music, Impromptu Fantasia by Chopin, enjoy...

I can be contacted at:
Paul can be contacted at:

Our business website is:
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